Earlier this month, the Wharton Inter Cultural Society (WICS) brought to life a new event that allowed the MBA community to showcase its cultural diversity by way of food. Wharton MasterChef took place on November 9th and attracted Wharton MBA students from 20+ countries around the world to create their favorite dishes.
The event was composed of 23 teams ranging from Asia, to the Middle East and down to South America. Each team brought their own uniqueness and spice to the table. In the judge’s circle, they had Wharton’s very own Deputy Vice Dean, Kembrel Jones, as well as two professional chefs from leading Philadelphia-based culinary schools.
You can read about Jake Gorelov’s (WG’15) first-hand experience at MasterChef in a piece he recently wrote for The Wharton Journal entitled “Eating My Way Around The World At MasterChef.”
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